Monday, November 3, 2008

{sailing lesson: 2, the mulligan}

We gave it our best shot, we really did. The conditions weren't terrible, but certainly not good. 5 foot seas with a two foot chop on top, winds were 17-19 knots, and there were some bigger waves scattered in there. All in all, it lasted about 45 minutes, and then I asked to be brought back in.

This lesson was to teach us how to turn the boat around, with the five steps. I did all that I was asked, while my husband got to steer the boat, and sing "I'm Popeye the sailor man, toot toot." Captain Dan was not impressed. Captain Dan nicely told us that we would need to repeat lesson two.

Leaving the safety of the harbor, it looked fine and dandy out there

My husband looking sailor chic leaving the marina.
We came home and complained about how we're not used to having to work so hard to go boating, as we sat on the sofa, still trying to keep our lunch down.

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